Q: How is the number 542,166 written in Scientific Notation?

 A: 5.42166 x 105

Why is 542,166 written as 5.42166 x 105 in scientific notation?

The purpose of scientific notation is for scientists to write very large, or very small, numbers with ease.

Calculating scientific notation for a positive integer is simple, as it always follows this notation:

a x 10b

Follow the steps below to see how 542,166 is written in scientific notation.

Step 1

To find a, take the number and move a decimal place to the right one position.

  • Original Number: 542,166
  • New Number: 5.42166

Step 2

Now, to find b, count how many places to the right of the decimal.

New Number: 5.42166
Decimal Count: 12345

There are 5 places to the right of the decimal place.

Step 3

Building upon what we know above, we can now reconstruct the number into scientific notation.

Remember, the notation is: a x 10b

a = 5.42166

b = 5

Now the whole thing:

5.42166 x 105

Step 4

Check your work:

105 = 100,000 x 5.42166 = 542,166

More Scientific Notation Examples

5.42164 x 1055.42165 x 1055.42167 x 1055.42168 x 105

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